
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Inputs Handling 1st part





Common input for the two platforms 

       ·        Introduction
v User Interaction with Android / Desktop:
v Text input
v Mouse / Touch input
v Keyboard Input 
       ·        Conclusion


We will see the interaction of the user with the app / game , knowing that we work on both Android and Desktop platforms, it must be considered that these two have some common inputs so we can handle with a same code and also others inputs that we should handle them separately.

We will see in this part handling inputs available in both platforms and how Libgdx handles differences between these two, you'll see it's awesome !

User interaction with Android / Desktop

Users of your app / game you will probably interact with it, and that through many I/O devices. Handling user interactions will be in a one source code that works on two different platforms, so the Libgdx will manage the differences between the two platforms thanks to one of its modules.

Among these differences :
On Desktop , we use the mouse and on Android we use our finger to interact with the screen , so in Android there is no detection of the movement of the mouse , only the dragging (the action of moving and keep clicking) mouse is available. On Android we can handle multi-touch (uses of several fingers at the same time) which is not possible on Desktop because the mouse has only one cursor.

Regarding the keyboard, it is clear that the Desktop is considered, but several Android devices do not adopt the keyboard. To handle this, Libgdx offers to manipulate a set of unique touch keyboard for all devices.

Knowing also that on Android there is a set of keys that do not exist in the desktop environment such as: back button , Home button , search ...

Of course there are many other differences that Libgdx handle in a unified code valid for both platforms.

Text input

We'll start with the simplest, enter text on an application under Android or Desktop.
User of app will write text through a dialog box.

On Desktop : A dialog box kind of Swing will be opened .
On Android : A Standard dialog box will be opened.

This is possible only if it implements the TextInputListener interface that has two methods :
Input () : This method is called when the user has entered a string and press OK
Canceled (): This method is called when the user has closed the dialog box (on Desktop ) or pressed the back button (on Android ) .

* Here's what it looks like in source code:
public class AuditorTexte implements TextInputListener {
         public void input (String text) {

         public void canceled () {

* Now to display the dialog you must first instantiate the class AuditeurTexte
AuditorTexte listener =  new  AuditorTexte();

Then place this when you want information from user:
Gdx.input.getTextInput(listener, "title", "Initial text ");

Inputs with Keyboard

As we already said, Libgdx tries to reduce the difference between the two platforms. It is characterized by the use of these two mechanisms polling and event management.

The Polling 

A keyboard event triggered by a user ( by pressing or releasing a key) generates a code that identifies the key concerned.

Android and Desktop does not have the same code for the keys that why Libgdx offers its own code for keyboard keys. The mechanism of polling consists of checking in continuous way if a key has been entered. Polling is a quick and easy way to handle user input .

* Here's how to query a key on the keyboard :
boolean isAPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.A);

Event handling:

Key’s code alone is not sufficient to manage keys pressed simultaneously. For example: to write uppercase you have to press the shift and the character key . That why an event listener is connected and detects not only the code for the pressed / released button but also his character that goes with. This is the mechanism for managing events, it helps to have more information on user input.

* For event handling we must implement the InputProcessor class and redefine all its methods.
public class InputProc implements InputProcessor {

//****** these three methods are for key inputs *******//
      public boolean keyDown(int codeCle) {
            return false;
      public boolean keyTyped(char caractere) {
            return false;
      public boolean keyUp(int codeCle) {
            return false;

//*** these methods are for mouse/touch ***//
//we will see them after this section
      public boolean scrolled(int arg0) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchDown(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchDragged(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchMoved(int arg0, int arg1) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchUp(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
            return false;

We will interest on the first three methods with the keyboard we will see others in the Mouse / touchscreen section that come afterwards.
These first three methods allow listening to keyboard events.

keyDown () : Called when a key was pressed, takes as a parameter the code of the pressed key .
keyUp (): Called when a key was released , the code takes a parameter of the released key .
keyTyped (): Called when a Unicode character was generated by a keyboard input , takes as a parameter the character generated .

* Once the interface is implemented and methods defined , we must instantiate the class that implements this interface :
InputProc myInputProc = new InputProc();
Now, each event can be detected.

Inputs with Mouse / Touchscreen

It quoted a little higher some differences between both platforms concerning the mouse ( for Desktop ) and touching screen ( for Android) . To reduce the gap between Android and Desktop Libgdx uses the same mechanisms seen for keyboard polling, and event management.

The Polling 

Polling under Libgdx provided some of methods to check the current status of the inputs, for example : if the screen is touched by one or more fingers on Android or if we made ​​a mouse click on Desktop device.

Mechanism polling consist of checking whether an entry with mouse / touch screen has been made. Polling is a quick and easy way to handle user input.

* Here's how to check if one or more fingers are on the touchscreen ( On Android ) .
boolean isTouche = Gdx.input.isTouched();
On Desktop: isTouche is true if you click on the screen.

* To obtain the coordinates of a mouse click / finger on the screen :
float X = Gdx.input.getX();
float Y = Gdx.input.getY();

* You can also get the distance between a first and a second click :
float deltaX =  Gdx.input.getDeltaX();
float deltaY =  Gdx.input.getDeltaY();

* Now to handle the multi-touch Android
boolean firstFinger = Gdx.input.isTouched(0);
boolean secondFinger = Gdx.input.isTouched(1);
boolean thridFinger = Gdx.input.isTouched(2);

It is clear that the multiple touches are only considered by Android. Libgdx handles this by assigning a pointer to each finger touches the touch screen. If a finger touches the screen it gets smaller index available from [ 0, 1 , 2]. An index finger will released when that finger stop touching screen. Here's how things are going :
First finger touches the screen ---- > it gets the index 0
Second finger touches the screen ---- > it gets index 1
Third finger touches the screen ---- > it gets index 2
Third finger left ( release ) screen ---- > index 2 is released .
Second finger left ( release ) screen ---- > index 1 is released .
A new finger touches the screen ---- > it gets index 1 ( the lowest available index).

* Find out if the screen has been touched and released by one of three fingers :
boolean touche = Gdx.input.justTouched();

* For coordinates of fingers on the screen
int firstFingerX = Gdx.input.getX();
int firstFingerY = Gdx.input.getY();
int SecondFingerX = Gdx.input.getX(1);
int SecondFingerY = Gdx.input.getY(1);
int thridFingerX = Gdx.input.getX(2);
int thirdFingerY = Gdx.input.getY(2);
You probably notice that by default the index pointer is 0, it indicates the mouse pointer on Desktop.

* It is also possible to obtain the distance between the position of a first finger and a second
float firstFingerDeltaX  =  Gdx.input.getDeltaX();
float firstFingerDeltaY  =  Gdx.input.getDeltaY();
float secondFingerDeltaX =  Gdx.input.getDeltaX(1);
float secondFingerDeltaY =  Gdx.input.getDeltaY(1);
float thirdFingerDeltaX  =  Gdx.input.getDeltaX(2);
float thirdFingerDeltaY  =  Gdx.input.getDeltaY(2);

* Find out what is the mouse button that the user just clicked :
boolean leftButton   = Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.LEFT);
boolean rightButton  = Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.RIGHT);
boolean middleButton = Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.MIDDLE);

Event Management :

The mechanism of event management gives us more information on user input. It provides a way to handle interactions with the user interface that are more difficult to do using only the polling.

* For event management we must implement the interface InputProcessor and redefine all its methods .
public class ProcesseurDentree implements InputProcessor {

//****** these three methods are for key inputs *******//
// seen in the last section
      public boolean keyDown(int codeCle) {
            return false;
      public boolean keyTyped(char caractere) {
            return false;
      public boolean keyUp(int codeCle) {
            return false;
//*** these methods are for mouse/touch ***//

      public boolean scrolled(int arg0) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchDown(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchDragged(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchMoved(int arg0, int arg1) {
            return false;
      public boolean touchUp(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
            return false;

The methods providing event management for mouse / touch screen
touchDown () : Called when a finger is on the screen ( for Android) / mouse button was pressed ( for Desktop) . It informs us about the coordinates and the index pointer and the mouse button. Knowing that for Android only the right button is considered.
• touchup () : Called when a finger was lifted from the screen ( Android) / a mouse button has been released (Desktop) . It informs us about the coordinates, the index pointer ( Android) and mouse button (Desktop).
• touchDragged () : Called when a finger slides on the touch screen (Android) / move the mouse while pressing a mouse button (Desktop) . Informs us the coordinates and the index pointer, but to know what is the mouse button concerned we must use the polling.
touchMoved () : Called when the mouse is moved over the screen without one of its buttons is clicked. This method is only called on the Desktop, it will never be called in for Android, touchscreen does not have cursor as is the case of the mouse.
scrolled (): Called when the mouse wheel is rotated. Informs us about the direction of the rotation of the wheel of the mouse. It is never called on Android.

* Once the interface implemented and methods defined , we must instantiate the class that implements this interface :
InputProc myInputProc = new InputProc();
Once the object indicated each event can be detected.

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If you have any comments or questions please post them in the comments section . Thank you for reading.

See also !

 Files with libgdx

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