
Monday, February 17, 2014

Install Libgdx and create a project 2nd mth




How ? 


Second way to do this <2nd mth>

Previously we saw how to create a Libgdx project
There is another way to implement a project by using this tool gdx-setup-ui

With this tool you can generate a Libgdx project and then import it into your workspace

How to create a project?
 " Very simple ! "

Once the file with the jar extension (gdx-setup-ui.jar) is downloaded run it, this window will appear:

Click on Create
This window will appear:

Download the latest version of Libgdx

Know that there are two types of last version: The stable version , and the nightly version
I recommend to download the stable version.
Click on the icon and it will start downloading

Or you can import the latest version of Libgdx after downloading it

Fill the fields

Name : For the name of the project
Package : The package name
Game class : The name of the main class
Destination : The location of the project

We focus on Desktop and Android Development so uncheck
Generate the html project
Generate the ios project

Advanced Configuration

You can go further in the configuration by clicking Show advanced settings

You can rename the suffix of each project name

I suggest you leave the default setting and press:
< Hide advanced settings

Generation of projects
Click on the generation then this window will appear

Click Launch

Result: Three Projects

Each project contains one of the three parts of a Libgdx project previously seen
my-gdx-game : Contains the logical part
my-game-gdx-desktop : Contains Desktop part
my-gdx-game-android : Contains the Android party

You 've probably noticed that the Desktop part and the logic part are not in the same project ,as we did previously, but this is not bad because it works .

Now, You have to import these projects into Eclipse

In the following you discover how to import a project in Eclipse

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Problems ?
If you have any comments or questions please post them in the comments section . Thank you for reading.

See also !
Install Libgdx and create a project 1st mth

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